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Lonnie Woods III, MA

LinkedIn Author
Contributing Reviewer

Lonnie Woods III has over 10 years of professional higher education experience. As a student affairs administrator, professor, and professional development consultant, his work and research examine the career competencies of students pursuing the arts.

Woods has worked at Pratt Institute, Maryland Institute College of Art, Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York University, The George Washington University, and The Whitney Museum of American Art. He holds a bachelor of science in fine art photography from Towson University and a master of arts in higher education and student affairs from New York University. Lonnie currently serves as a professor within the arts administration master's program at Teachers College, Columbia University.

Woods is a paid member of the Red Ventures Education Integrity Network.

  • Education: MA Higher Education and Student Affairs, New York University; BS Fine Art Photography, Towson University

  • Expertise: College admissions

  • Affiliations: National Association of Colleges and Employers

Subject areas:

College admissions

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Guide to College Accreditation
Guide to College Accreditation
Lonnie Woods III, MA
Updated August 9, 20245 Min Read
Lonnie Woods III, MA
0 Min Read